Our values


Kiwanis is a philosophy based on some of the core values that form the foundation of our movement and that sets us apart from all other associations!

These core values were written 100 years ago and, in the world we live in, are more current today than ever.

  1. Putting human and spiritual values above material ones.
  2. Encouraging the daily application of the ” Golden Rule ” in all human relationships. “Treat another as yourself would like to be treated by him”.
  3. Promoting the acceptance and application of higher social, business and professional standards.
  4. To bring about, by word and deed, a more developed, more active and more service-oriented society.
  5. To find, along the Kiwanis clubs to, the way to lasting friendship, to selfless service and to building a better society.
  6. Working together to pursue and uphold wholesome beliefs and noble ideals that bring with them greater honesty, justice, patriotism and good will.

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